
daily; day after day after day
chaotic; completely confused or disordered
bliss; supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment

chaos crew

chaos crew

Monday, August 8, 2011

Martha, Martha

As I ascended up the stairs I could here my Thomas bellowing from his bed.  He was having a rough day, and managing his emotions had escaped the capacity of this fiery two year old.   I had walked away from his protests, knowing I was on the verge of anger, deciding to give myself a few seconds to gather some resolve before jumping into a whirlwind with him.  So up the stairs I went. 

I gathered the things I needed for an afternoon workout, socks, a hair tie, my running sneakers.  I replaced my glasses with contacts and trotted down the stairs.  Armed with a few fleeting minutes of quiet I prepared to put the wild man down for his nap and wash away some of my own frustrations with a good sweat.

Distracted by my thoughts I didn't even realize he had stopped screaming.  I rounded the corner to the living room and I was greeted by a blue eyed blond with her index finger to her lips.  She sat perched on Tommy's Harley Davidson rocking motorcycle (I know what happened to rocking horses, right?).  In her little kindergarten hands laid a favorite cloth book.  She read the last page and purposefully shut the book, clasping the Velcro latch. 

I stood there in amazement.

"Mama, Tommy was real sad about his nap, so I came to read to him"  she whispered.

"Oh Anna, that is such a kind thing to do!  You are so sweet and so helpful."

"It was easy Mama, I didn't even get finished with the first page and he was already sleepin!" she furrowed her brow in thought.  "I think he just needed me to be by him". 

Sometimes I overlook the obvious.  Sometimes I forget that in my busyness I don't take the time to sit.  I interpret his outbursts as misbehavior rather than pleas for attention.  I focus on me and my agenda instead of them and their needs. 

Life has many demands.  Each of us has many irons in the fire, plates that are overflowing and not enough arms or hours to complete all there is to be done.  It is easy to overlook the most rewarding work (quality time with the kiddos) in lieu of the most visible work (i.e. dishes, laundry and meals).  Sometimes I need to re-evaluate my priorities.

Anna saw clearly that her little brother just wanted her near.  She understood that spending time with him would calm him down. 

I am reminded of Mary and Martha.  Jesus said, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. 
Luke 10:40-42

Lord, it is a Martha world, I long to have a Mary heart.  Forgive me for serving myself and please help me to make my time with you and my time teaching my children about you a priority. 
