
daily; day after day after day
chaotic; completely confused or disordered
bliss; supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment

chaos crew

chaos crew

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chaos Machine

So, I have decided that my Thomas is a chaos machine.  He is programmed to quickly and efficiently cause mass destruction, and chaos. 

Yesterday the chaos machine followed the below protocol:
  Eat one half bowl of oatmeal, fling remaining oatmeal at sister = cleaning mother
  Removing PJ's and diaper and chasing siblings while naked = disgusted shrieks and a puddle of piddle
  Use orange crayon to "draw" on Alli's math assignment = screaming sister
  Disassemble prized bionicle while on rouge mission in brother's room = raging brother
  Practice MMA on the ruff (kitty) (confused I know) = screeching mach speed cat retreat
  Reaching on kitchen counter to get a drink from sissy's cup = hair styled with apple juice & new outfit
  Running around living room with laundry hamper on head = hilarious photo ops
  Running around living room with laundry hamper on head = stacks of folded laundry...unfolded
  Stacks of folded laundry...unfolded = unhappy mama
  Exploratory mission under the couch = toddler chewing on AA battery
  Toddler chewing on AA battery = panicked daddy frantickly washing out mouth
  Toddler chewing on AA battery = toddler sleeping in parent's dad's insistance
  Toddler sleeping in bed = interupted sleep for mama and daddy, and a machine with a charged battery!
  Thomas the chaos machine = parents finding joy in the life of a healthy (though exhausting) child! 
I'd love to hear about your chaos machines too!  Such joy comes from knowing we are not alone!! 


  1. So funny!! This post has me laughing outloud for a multitude of reasons!!! Thanks for sharing. I love that sweet chaos machine <3

  2. Yes, he is a fine tuned little instrument :) with many great programers before him!

  3. SO funny Sarah. I love your little chaos machine (have a couple of my own..but the battery is new. Had one drink Miracle Grow once...).
