
daily; day after day after day
chaotic; completely confused or disordered
bliss; supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment

chaos crew

chaos crew

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

On the Same Frequency

I am in awe of the way that we are all created so unique, yet we occassionally run across others who ride the same wave in this life.  Through the years I have been blessed with amazing friends.  Friends whom God has placed in my life at the perfect time, for the perfect reasons. 

Have you ever been certain that you have conceived the same thought as someone at the exact same time, or actually said the same thing at the same moment?  Or have you thought of someone, "out of the blue" only to get a note or a call from them the next day?  Coincidence?  Nah, not if you ask me. 

My friend Nikki and I literally creep each other out, because these "coincidences" happen ALL the time.  One time we both said the word smurf at the same time...I hadn't seen a smurf since I was six, but somehow one day while joking around at work we both blurted it out!  I know that is a weird example, but it is a true story I promise! 

Other times with her and other friends I have had a particular person pop in my head.  Out of nowhere I will get a call from them!  Or I will call them and they will say, "wierd, I was just thinking of you!"  I used to brush these strange encounters off as coincidences myself, but the more I learn about the Lord and the Holy Spirit, the more I am aware of God using me, prompting me.

It has happened before that I have had a person enter my mind and thought, hmmmm, I should send them a note, or give a quick call.  Then the chaos of life interupts and I don't do it.  Days later when I actually get to the action, I find that they had a really bad day the other day, the day I was prompted to check in.  The day I was distracted, or simply too busy to listen.  The day that I could have helped....the one that had already passed. 

Often I am blessed to be on the reciprocating end.  Recieving a note, a call, an email, a blog comment, just at the right time.  Just when I am feeling down, just when I could use some light in my day.  I am so grateful for my friends who surf with me.  I am so thankful that God uses us to shed light, that when we are willing to not only listen, but to take action, we can brighten a day. 

To my amazing friends, the ones I talk to regualarly, the ones I only talk to every so often, the ones I don't see for this or that reason, the ones who I am blessed to see all the time, the ones whom I have never met in person.  Thank you for listening to my frequency and being on my chapter in the book, sometimes the same line of the same page, thank you for who you are, what you have done for me, and for always being there.  Thank you for accountability, encouragement, tough love, for laughs and tears, for shoulders and for reminding me to count my blessings.  You each have repeatedly listened and acted just when I need you. 

I encourage you today, don't ignore the promptings in your life.  Let God use you. I am also reminded that we are often prompted to show kindness to strangers, so go ahead and change someone's life today.  What do you have to lose?


  1. Sarah, you are such a beautiful person! You have been such a vital part of my growth this past year - and I know you will be there as I continue to grow. You are so very, very right when it comes to God using us ... I know that He placed you in my life just at the right time. I have been blessed to have you as a part of my life for almost 10 years now. I hope that you are having a blissfully, sweet, chaotic day. I truly love you, my sister, and thank God for you each day.

  2. Neat post, Sarah (and I agree with Stacy - you're a beautiful Spirit-filled woman). I agree with you, too. It's amazing to me - how personal the Lord is. I often will have a "random" thought, think of a person I haven;t thought of for a bit, only to understand later that it was a call to pray. I'm slowly learning! How precious, though, that God chooses to be so intimate with us! Love to you and the dear fam!
