
daily; day after day after day
chaotic; completely confused or disordered
bliss; supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment

chaos crew

chaos crew

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chasing Nickels

Sometimes I wonder if ten minutes can actually pass without a poke, a tease, a shout, an argument, or a dispute of some sort.  Strategic planning in seating assignments is now necessary for any close quarter arrangements i.e. car rides, meals, watching movies on the couch...sometimes just existing in one home.  Pre-meditated ridicule is on the daily menu and sometimes I wonder if we will all survive this is a stage...right?  Anyhow, I inevitably question my parenting skills.  Ask myself "where did I go wrong?" "How did I drop the ball on the whole idea of siblings without rivalry?" 

But now I smile as I think of my own childhood.  Just for visual acuracy it is a devient smile...the sort of self-satisfying...I know it was wrong but it was worth it sorta smile.  I smile in response to the memories of my brother toppling to the floor as a direct result of my foot placed in his path, or the times I snickered at him as he sat in time-out (he sat there a lot) and caused him to protest and have minutes added to his time. 

Ya, I know, not nice.  But I guess that's what kids do.  It was fun and it gives us a reason to laugh today...well I'm laughing...not sure about my tortured brother!  I guess I am still laughing at his mishap today. 

My fave story to tell about my brother Bryan, a.k.a. B, is the one about how I launched his running career.  You see B is eight years my junior.  Simple math proves that this is a bad deal for me as a sixteen year old.  This puts Bryan at 8 when I am in the midst of dating my highschool sweetheart/future husband.  He would never leave us alone.  (I am now convinced this was just great planning on my parent's behalf!)  So we resorted to reverse psychology and bribery, like any well intentioned teenager would do.

"Hey Bryan, I bet your not big enough to run all the way around the house!" I'd chide.

He'd untangle himself from around Matt's leg and chirp "uh-huh, but I don't wanna"

"I'll give you a nickle" I'd bride, "if you can do it".

He was gone.  Little legs just a truckin, one arm pumping (inside joke) blond bowl cut blowing in the breeze.  Pretty soon we'd hear him huffin and puffin around the corner, he'd emerge smiling from ear to ear. 

"Betcha can't do it again and faster this time" 

Off he'd go, around and around and around.  Poor kid.  He'd finally tucker out exhausted. 

"How much did I earn?" he'd ask.

Matt would ususally give him a couple coins from his pocket, but never was it the full booty of his effort.  Apparently he didn't count money yet, because he never complained! 

Needless to say, B went on to run cross country and track in high school.  He attended Mount Mercy College recruited to run cross country and track for them.  Today he manages a running store called Running Wild!  Coincidence?  I think not!  He owes it all to me right? 

Truth is when my little brother graduated from high school I gathered up all the nickels I could find and presented them to him in a clear plastic baggy.  He had earned them, and I was paying up on what I owed.  Well, minus my royalties and commissions.  He has accomplished a lot as a runner, as a person.  I am proud of him.  He will be running the Bix7 again on Saturday for the 10th time.

I guess maybe ridicule and rivalry are by-products of love.  I think of how my own children enjoy torturing one another with boogers and bugs.  How they love to tattle and trip and harrass.  I guess they must really love each other.  Someday they will have lots of great stories to tell...that is if we all survive each other! 

Good luck B!  Run fast :)

Me and B (Back when he was cute)

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