Mommy's Girl
My little eyes
are watching,
my ears are listening too.
they take in
everything that
you say and do.
my little hands
are eager to do the
things you do.
i'm hoping and i'm
dreaming i'll grow
up just like you.
so be careful how
you teach me to
do the things you
do for someday
not so far away
i'll be grown up
just like you.
Patsy Gaut
What a responsibility it is to parent. How convicting it is, to think they can inherit our bad. As much as I want them to stay little, to never grow up, I know they will. This poem reminds me to be intentional, to be transparent and good. The song reminds me of how short the time is. It also brings a great big smile, remembering my dad's old Datsun, my teal blue walls...I hope their memories will bring smiles. And I hope that time will crawl. I love my girls. So. Much.
Beautiful post, Sarah. And oh, those pictures. I love these girls:) (And their Mama).