I am long overdue for a post, but life is busy at the end of the homeschool year, the beginning of mudjacking season, and on the very special 7th birthday of our second born! So although it is belated, this post is dedicated to my Allerina Ballerina.
Our Alli was/is a force to be reckoned with. A beautiful, energetic girl. A perfect baby, slept at night, rarely cried. But as she grew in size she grew in energy as well. Full of life, zeal, love. There was two modes on her system, awake or asleep. Some days it felt as though she never stopped moving from the moment her eyes popped open in the wee hours of the morning until the moment she was wrestled to bed at night. Oh how I prayed for her little spirit. On my knees by the side of her sleeping head, "Dear Lord, I pray for her fire to burn for you. For all this energy in her little body to some day be used for your glory. Help her find a lower gear, but to keep her fire for you!"
She has grown into a marvelous little doll. I adore her loving and giving heart. She is on FIRE for the Lord, she relates everything to Jesus, and she teaches me each day how to love Him more as well.
I asked her in the weeks prior to her big #7, what sort of cake she would like this year. Last year we did a castle, the year before was something princess as well. This year, she wanted a Jesus birthday. Yes she did. My hearts bursts with joy to see her soar in His love. The way she chooses to honor Him, to share the love of her Lord with others. If only I could be more like my seven year old. I pray she never losses her resolve. That she continues to love and share and glorify Him.
My beautiful brown eyed girl is growing up. She is my affectionate, artistic, compassionate, energetic, committed, vibrant, confident, resilient, angel. I love her dearly. I thank God for allowing me to be her mommy. How very blessed I am.
Beautiful baby
You're sweeter than strawberry pie
Just like the morning
Your smile brings the sunshine
jj heller
Oh how precious. Happy Birthday, Sweet Alli. God made you special. I hope that your Jesus Birthday was grand!