Well, chaos has been abundant here. Time is fleeting. It is almost Wednesday and it hit me early this morn that I am leaving for a three day home school conference on Thursday! Yikes! So this is a quicky. An update on us, we are good. Alli has started softball games, keeping us busy two nights a week. Tyler has finished spring soccer and is trying out for the traveling team next week (chaos multiplied). Anna is obsessed with water and has a daily need to soak in the sprinkler, slip and slide or tub...generally in that order. Thomas is....exhausting, but good. He sneaks out the backdoor the instance you aren't looking and he L_O_V_E_S to be outside! We are officially a self-employed family -go mudjacking! Prayers for the biz phone to ring ring ring are much appreciated! I have been writing away (no not here obviously for those of you who have been whining...thank you for missing this), but writing submissions for some upcoming publications...hoping someday someone who doesn't already love me, will love one of my manuscripts enough to publish it! So prayers for that are much needed too! Oh and we have a new baby. I'll tell you more in a later post :)
so on to the quote.
My cousins Sean and Emily are an amazingly beautiful couple. They share the kind of love you read about. Em graciously shared this quote that she read. I love it.
Love is about bottomless empathy, born out of the heart's revelation that another person is every bit as real as you are. And this is why love, as I understand it, is always specific. Trying ot love all of humanity may be a worthy endeavor, but in a funny way, it keeps the focus on the self, on the self's own moral or spiritual well-being. Whereas, to love a specific person, and to identify with his or her struggles and joys as if they were your own, you have to surrender some of your self.
I love how God created one specific person to love me in a way that no one else can, to understand me, to put up with me, and to be my partner. I love that in the process of learning to love another, we intertwine our branches and become one big strong tree, bearing each others burdens, sharing each others fears and enjoying each others accomplishments. Thank you God for creating Eve for Adam, and seeing that it was good :)
Blessings on you and the one's you love tonight.
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